ÎÞÂëѧÉúis located in the heart of the city. Our founder, Lady Elizabeth de Clare, established the College in 1326 as a centre of learning and community for all scholars– providing those who otherwise would not have had an opportunity to study at a university with the means to do so.

That spirit informs our community at ÎÞÂëѧÉúto this day. Wherever you’ve come from, whatever your background, all that matters when you apply to us is your academic potential and your ability to excel here.

ÎÞÂëѧÉúcan be found just off of King’s Parade, which is one of the main streets running through the city centre of Cambridge. The main university teaching sites, where students have lectures, seminars, and practical classes like laboratories, are all just a short walk or bicycle ride away.

In addition to lectures and seminars, students also have supervisions, which are small-group teaching sessions led by experts in each subject. Supervisions are organised by Directors of Studies (DoS) in each college, and every student is assigned a DoS at the beginning of their studies.