The minimum offer is A*AA at A-level, or 7 7 6 (42+ overall) from Higher Level subjects in the IB. For other qualifications, please see the University .
There are no specific subject requirements.
Some evidence of formal language learning, such as taking A-levels/IB Higher Levels or equivalent in modern or ancient languages. You may find subjects such as English (Language or Literature) or Mathematics and other science subjects to be useful preparation. If you have any questions about your subject choices, get in touch at admissions@clare.cam.ac.uk and we'll be happy to help.
Linguistics at Clare
For the Linguistics Tripos, the academic experience is much the same at all the colleges because the lectures and supervisions are organised centrally, so deciding on a college is more about choosing the place where you will live and the community around you. ÎÞÂëѧÉúis a very good choice for both of these reasons!
ÎÞÂëѧÉúhas a lively and friendly atmosphere, and Old Court and Memorial Court are just a few minutes walk from the Sidgwick Site where your lectures will take place.
The college library is well-stocked with linguistics books and you will join a small, but interesting and fun group of ÎÞÂëѧÉúLinguistics students!
Visit the University's for more information.